Friday, May 29, 2015

Catholics Let it Happen

As I was discussing the current events in Ireland regarding so called same sex marriage, a friend of mine that I frequently converse with at work made a slip of the tongue when discussing the flop in Ireland's "sodo-marriage" proposition. He said, "I can't believe the Catholics let this happen". he quickly corrected himself and said "the Christians let it happen". My first reaction was a deer in the headlights look, which was probably why he recanted the term Catholic and replaced it with Christian. I was offended at first, then embarrassed and finally depressed at the truth of the statement. In reality he was exactly right, but it took some time for me to completely realize the gravity and truth of that realization. 
I suppose the take-home for this is that non-Catholics view the liberal takeover of Ireland as a direct result of the impiety of Roman Catholics -they view us as corrupt. As much as I don't want to accept the heterodoxy and disobedience of the majority of Catholics today, I need to stop being so shocked by it. I don't know why I am so surprised by this. I definitely suffer from a naivety regarding other Catholics that they are orthodox and appreciative of their faith. I am frequently reminded this is a false image, regardless whether they maintain their Sunday obligation or are Extraordinary Eucharistic ministers; they do not know or believe the true Faith. 

In response to this I was striven to imply to my protestant friend that regardless of how the Catholic laity in Ireland voted , it was not in line with what the Church teaches and there is an apparent disconnect from the knowledge and the practice of the faith.

Successively, I also reminded him next month our own supreme court would be ruling on its decisions of "sodo-marriage", the outcome of which is likely to be similar to that of Ireland's. Yes, this is pessimistic, but considering their ruling over the past 30 years, it would be smart to expect them to maintain their momentum in destroying our country morally. 

As a practicing and believing Catholic, I sometimes wonder what other denominations think of our Church. I covet the Church with great intensity and when someone connotes an animosity towards Her, I cant help my sadness. It is embarrassing how Katholycs behave it truly stains the Church.

Here is one of my favorite Catholic quotes, “There are not over a 100 people in the U.S. that hate the Catholic Church, there are millions however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church. Which is, of course, quite a different thing.” Fulton J. Sheen