Not much of pic of the house, but It's pretty far out in the country. Great sunsets!
Frame of a chicken coop I built, which I now use for chicks. I use chicken tractors for the adult birds now.
Had to buy some needed items for land and livestock maintenance.
100 chicks from a local poultry farm. I butchered half of them already, lost a few to natural causes, and the rest are now laying deliciousness farm fresh eggs. This is one of my adult roosters.

I bought 3 pigs in hopes to butcher and breed them, breeding isn't going as planed, so I will be butchering the lot of them soon. I slaughtered one a few months ago and have the last two to do soon. Meat on the Large Black is awesome.
Here I am about t butcher.
The end product:
This is Hope the Jersey cow. We will be milking her as soon as the neighbors bull services her.
This guy stung my finger. Ouch!
Before and after pic of my tractor I reconditioned.
Found this guy near my shop. Had to change my pants after I lopped its head off. Kidding
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