Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Progression of Reason on Homosexuality

The following is a short essay I threw together for one my classes, the theme being the role our government has and should play in the case of so called "gay marriage". There was much more content that I wanted to add to this, but the limit of the paper prevented me from doing so. I hope you enjoy.

The Progression of Reason on Homosexuality
To map out the role in which our Government has played in the battle for gay-rights, is to see a concerning marked transformation. I want to start by defining what one of the roles of government is. One important purpose of a governing body is to promote the common good by enforcing the rule of law. Laws are coined by rationally deliberating on issues that are desirous to people; they are rarely conceived by flippant passion. The law regarding the prohibition of homosexuality can be traced back thousands of years across many cultures and that law has been singularly and definitive prohibited from time remember. Have we been mistaken all this time of the pernicious nature of sodomy?
We begin by looking at Thomas Jefferson, in his Bill of Proportioning Crimes and Punishment; his views on the matter are thus: “Whosever shall be guilty of Rape, Polygamy, or Sodomy with a man or woman shall be punished…” It is no mystery that our country has maligned homosexuality from its conception, but the progression of this position is pertinent to understanding its constitutionality in regard to “gay Marriage” (Bill 64). When the 14th Amendment was passed, all but five of the states in the Union had criminal sodomy laws, 24 states to this day continue to have these laws. There are records from the late nineteenth century up to 1995 of criminal persecution of individuals who participated in sodomy numbering over 200 (Reilly 71). From this, we see little change in the position of our justice system, because they understood something about the nature of marriage and subsequently sexual relations and their purpose. James Wilson’s views on family typify those of our founders, which are thus: “It is the principle of the community; it is that seminary, on which the commonwealth, for its manners as well as for its numbers, must ultimately depend. As its establishment is the source, so its happiness is the end, of every institution of government, the family must precede every institution of government, which is wise and good.”
Next we come to Bowers v. Hardwick, one of the more recent cases that pertain to sodomy, in which Justice Burger, upholding the constitutionality of an Alabama sodomy law, references William Blackstone, a Judge in England who wrote Commentaries on the Laws of England (O’Connor, Sabato, and Yanus 119). This reference echoes orthodox views of sodomy as a “crime against nature”. This is another clear example of a Justice in recent times (1986) staying the course on traditional sodomy laws. I just want to make it clear, that we have here the Supreme Court upholding the sodomy laws of a state, the justification of which not being based on any statements in the constitution, but on rational common knowledge of the destructive nature of the act.
At this point I want to focus a bit on what exactly are the dangers of sodomy. To do this, we must first consider teleological characteristics of things. Everything has a purpose and when a thing is fulfilling its purpose, you could say that it is acting according to its nature; it is performing an act that is in accordance with its function. Now let’s move to the illustration of the body. An ear’s purpose is for hearing; you may be able to do other things with your ear, e.g. pierce it and place an earring on it, but its main function is hearing. Ornamentation would be a secondary function of the ear, but you can continue to hear noises with it in place. Next you may decide to put a knife in the ear, but this would be damaging despite your intended purpose. As you see, there is a hierarchy of functions, but its main end is for listening. The sexual organs are no different. Genitalia are use for procreation primarily and secondarily micturition. When you start using objects for their unintended purpose, risky consequences may ensue. What are some specific health risks of anal sex? Anal Cancer is one of them, which the risk of acquiring is 4000 percent more than heterosexuals (Daling et al). Next you have HIV, the CDC states that male to male sex results in an increase of acquiring HIV by 44 times. Likewise, 61 percent of people who acquired new onset HIV are gay men. The numbers for syphilis cases among both men and women were in the 70 percent ranges. Now keep in mind too, gay men only make up 2 percent of the entire adult population. These are staggering numbers that cannot be ignored; yet don’t seem to have the attention of current legislatures. There are numerous more confirmed statistics from solid sources including those pro gay, who present startling data of the health risks of gay sex and this does not include the data regarding mental disorders of both the individuals and the children raised by them. These figures indicate a direct correlation of this behavior to mortal diseases.
Getting back on track we come to Lawrence V. Texas. Here we finally see the beginning of the transition in thought, starting with Justice Kennedy. Here, Kennedy deems the restriction of sodomy unconstitutional (O’Connor, Sabato, and Yanus 119). He states that liberty consists of “autonomy of self.” This translated essentially means self rule, which according to Aristotle is the freedom to choose the good habitually and thus forming a virtuous person. I don’t think this is what Kennedy meant; maybe his idea was the freedom to choose the bad regardless of the consequences and without interference of the state. Either way, we know from the research that such activity is grave; therefore, if he meant the autonomy to choose the benign, he is obviously misinformed. He also states: “The fact that the governing majority in a state has traditionally viewed a particular practice as immoral is not a sufficient reason for upholding a law prohibiting the practice.” We finally come to it. Sodomy is here rationalized as a congenial act, whose actions cannot be sanctioned by a state. Sodomy is now on par (according to the Court) with heterosexual intercourse. The question remains however: what, aside from immorality would be reasons for vindicating the longstanding sodomy laws; the court does not seem to know. The answer to this is as we mentioned above: is to protect sex, with its natural procreative end which is its primary purpose.  The continuation of this ignorance can be followed by reviewing contraceptive rulings in Griswold v. Connecticut, Eisenstaedt v. Baird, and Carey v. Population Services International, in which implied constitutional rights of privacy are invoked from the Bill of Rights and used as immunity for offenders of Natural Law (Davidson et al. 826).
The catalyst for this change in mentality surely had to have had some sources. One of these sources, I presume to be the scientific breakthroughs made in Psychiatry. Up until 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) defined Homosexuality as a mental disorder. The removal of this disease from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of the APA, (the authoritative manual of mental disorders) ushered in a new found bill of health for all homosexuals. Studies have concluded them sane. Wait a minute; what studies? Oh that’s right, there are none. Come to find out, the editing of this manual was a result of the relentless pressure from outside Homosexual groups at APA meetings and the conflict of interests of Dr. John P. Spiegel, president-elect of the APA and other homosexual psychiatrists groups working inside the APA (81 Words). The change in the DSM wasn’t based on a single scientific study whatsoever. It was the result of oppression by gay activists, the cause of which is not denied by many homosexuals. The new status of homosexuality no longer being a disease follows that it no longer needs to be cured (Davidson 852). With this established, gays can claim that they are “born this way”; therefore, bestowing on them the right of being called a social class, worthy of civil rights.
Lastly, we will look at the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). There are four cases that demonstrate the progressive resistance of the BSA against accepting openly gay Scouts, whose rulings were in favor of BSA core values (Reilly 177). However, these cases were not the only front which gay rights advocates were targeting. They were aiming at a chink in the armor that is vulnerable to many organizations; that is, their financial support.  Pressure was put on many of the big contributors to the BSA, who themselves pulled funding, which in turn was effective in compelling the BSA to cave in.
By chronologically breaking down the history of rulings of the courts, you see an apparent shift in perspective from reason to rationalization. The process of change has taken three faces: first staunch adherence to orthodoxy, then tolerance and finally imposing sodomy as a good. If this “diversity” is not embraced, you will be targeted for discrimination and potentially incriminated against. We see examples of this more and more frequently. Shop owners are being fined for not serving gays, employers and employees are being fired for speaking out, and Religious are being attacked for their traditional views; it seems roles are reversing as this continues to progress.
The framers of the constitution understood that with a republic, a certain responsibility is placed on its citizens; a responsibility of personal virtue. “We the People”, what sort of people are envisaged by the framers when this was written. Montesquieu taught that “there are three essential forms of government, each of which calls for the shaping of a distinct characteristic in those governed: under despotism the characteristic of fear, under monarchies the disposition of honor, but under a republic what is called for is nothing less than the cultivation of virtue.” The framers of the constitution had great respect for is citizens because they understood the endurance of a nation was in their hands. The attempt of separating the verdict of immoral from an act that is inherently disordered is by definition unjust. Therefore, a government which is charged to uphold justice is obliged to uphold the rule of law; which is an ordinance of reason.

Work Cited
“Bill 64.” Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia. Monticello, 2012. Web. 5 Aug. 2014.
Daling, J.R., et al. “Correlates of Homosexual Behavior and the Incidence of Anal Cancer.”
Journal of the American Medical Association. 14 (1982): 247. Print.
Davidson, James, et al. Experience History: Interpreting America’s Past. Vol.2. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 2011. Print.
O’Connor, Karen, Larry J. Sabato, and Alixandra B. Yanus. American Government: Roots and
Reform. 12th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2014. Print.
Reilly, Robert R. Making Gay Okay: How Rationalizing Homosexual Behavior is Changing
Everything. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2014. Print.
“81 words: The Inside Story of Psychiatric and Homosexuality (Part 1 of 2).” All in the Mind.
Australian Broadcasting Corp. Natl. Radio. 4 Aug. 2007. Transcript. ABC. Web. 1 Aug.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Low Voter Turnout in Amerca.

The following is a discussion forum topic from my Political Science class. The topic is voter turn-out in America and we are to opine how and why it is as such. I did not go into great detail as to the moral obligation to vote as Catholics, but this does provide a framework to the idea of our responsibilities as people operating in a society. I hope later to develop this topic with more Catholic flare. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.

"If Americans live in such a great democracy, why do they vote at rates which are among the lowest in the democratic world? Why do other democracies have higher voter turnout? Is the problem psychological? Cultural? Institutional? Assuming that low voter turnout in the U.S. is a problem (an assumption you may wish to challenge), how would you attempt to increase voter turnout? Be specific." (forum topic)

The text says that one of the major reason why people do not show up at the polls, is that “they just don’t have the time”. This is an indication of the ignorance of the gravity of this exercise. As humans, we are faced with three problems knowledge, conduct and governance. I will not explicate on the first two for brevity, but the problem of governance is seemingly within our power to influence. Fundamentally, if we have the means of guiding the outcome of elections, we have the capacity to conform the makeup of those passing legislation. I bet if you ask anyone if it mattered who was elected to President, they would without question have a strong opinion on the matter; in fact, I’m reminded of the saying “it is not polite to speak of Religion and Politics” as evidence of this assumption. Why is it not polite, because people are passionate about their politico-philosophies and arguments may ensue. This begs the question: if we are so passionate about our beliefs, why not act on them; lack of motivation perhaps?

What is it that motivates us? Loss and pain is a great motivator for some; money and power for others. Every individual has their own distinct impetus to stimulate them to action. I myself feel very strongly about life. I have a large family and understand the importance of families in society, how they benefit both the society and the individual. Therefore, my awareness of this, urges me to vote and to protect the institution of the family and everything it represents.

This good, as I said, is not simply something that I want; it is something that is integral to the health of the society. Aristotle’s idea that man is by nature a rational and political animal, whose basic unit of society is the family, implies a responsibility that must be realized. We are all born into families, some may be broken, but the traditional family is the ideal paradigm that is the cardinal social unit making up larger units that are necessary for societal groups to flourish. This idea is a component of the larger good in which man has an obligation to pursue; it is a good that is common to all, i.e. a common good. All that being said, it would be against our nature to act against this responsibility.  

So then, what does it mean to be absent at the ballot box? Without question it is a dereliction of duty not to exercise the right and privilege that has been afforded to us. It essentially is a question of right and wrong – a question of ethics. A simple concrete example of this applied ethics would be to vote against an anti-Semite whose goal is the eradication of the Jewish race. You would be morally responsible in this fantastic and regrettably historical example to abstain from taking efforts to prevent their election. Now, not all appointments are of this gravity, but some are and do necessitate action. When these matters are neglected, the fruits of our labor – or lack thereof, are quite clearly seen. Our recompense is leaders who are want of virtue; who lead us down rocky paths.

Why then do we not vote? I say ignorance, both of our purpose in society and the consequences of being delinquent in our obligations. This also begs the question: does it even benefit us to have the ignorant voting? This idea would be hard to gauge, is morally questionable and would deserve thorough treatment in a subsequent work.

As Americans, I believe we have become fat; that is complacent in our privileged lifestyles - comfortable in our security and prosperity; honestly though, America is the only country in which its poor are obese. Most Americans don’t have an experiential knowledge of misfortune and suffering; yet, all one has to do is turn on the boob tube and see the strife taking place in other nations. The Middle East is a conflagration of disorder and conflict, Russia has invaded Ukraine, Israel and Gaza barrage each other daily with ordinance, Iraq is being revolutionized by Islamic fanatic terrorist groups, and the list goes on. Again, if you were to ask anyone in those regions if they were going to vote in the upcoming elections, (if there was one in which they could vote) they may think you crazy or just stupid. Americans have not been faced with these types of scenarios at the same rate and intensity as other nations; therefore, our experiences of them are merely chimerical.

Poor voter turnout in America is a problem of apathy, the eminence of which is not fully grasped. Is the problem of voter turnout psychological, cultural, institutional or due to ignorance? Yes, all of the above. If the incomprehensible debt that our nation has accrued, the rationalization of gay “Marriage” and the sanctioned killing of babies and our elderly are not enough to motivate  Americans to vote, it may seem we are in a darker place than I originally imagined. The only solution to this problem is a piece of pie and coffee; I would vote for that I think.  On a serious note, the text gives an indication of what helps voter turnout, voter turnout... “it is higher among citizens who are white, older, more educated, have higher income, belong to civic organizations, and attend religious services more frequently.”(American Government Roots and Reform Pg.387). Looking back at the three problems humans deal with: Education, Conduct and Governance, we see that education is integral to discovering our true end; without it, we suffer; with it we thrive. “The root of education is bitter, but the fruit is sweet” Aristotle